Wednesday, June 24, 2009


[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="436" caption="Calle Ongpin - the busiest street of Chinatown"]Calle Ongpin - the busiest street of Chinatown[/caption]

I went to Ongpin with one thing in mind. Eat. So after rediscovering the town of my childhood I headed straight to Binondo. From hopia to jewelry, this place seems to have it all – and amidst all the chaos and traffic you find beauty. Boticas that sells ointments and herbs, jewelry stores, groceries with of course Chinese things, fruit stalls and one unique store that sells fountain pens.

Calesa’s still go around Chinatown, it’s truly fascinating, with all the vehicle and human traffic, somehow these relic of Manila’s past still subsist.

My mother use to tell us that Binondo is an expensive place – so whenever were in the area we would always end up eating at that tasty burger joint near the overpass in Quiapo if not some cheap panciteria. Binondo was after all the financial capital of the yesteryears, but every once in a blue moon, some extra money from Papa’s sueldo would give the family a merry Sunday at some pricey resto in Binondo!

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="423" caption="The North Bridge"]The North Bridge[/caption]

I strolled around Chinatown for awhile then settled to try out the food hawkers in the north bridge, its different from the other food shops in Ongpins because the eateries sits alongside the filthy estero. Some people could be bothered with the estero’s presence but not me really. Nothing could spoil my appetite in Chinatown. The place serves awesome dishes, I ordered crab rice and beef with ampalaya, I’ve never eaten in this part of Chinatown before, though I find it a bit pricey – it was nonetheless irresistible and delectable!

So the day ends, what a pleasant treat (for myself!) for a long day that somehow ended in Binondo. Now, I have to haul my ass back to Cebu!


  1. Brotha, you're making Manila and Cebu like Alabang and Binan hehehe. When are you going back here in Manila?

  2. Hey Levi the bigboy. Pepe invited me to his wedding in September. See you there.

  3. Yep yep brotha.. See yah! I'll be there.
