Wednesday, April 30, 2008

mi gran amigo's

I'm not certain if I said it right in Spanish but this two guys are just awesome!

They are my first ever recruits - Pepe Alas and Mike Adzuara!

It is my grand aspiration to enlist more people to team up with this group of trasnochadores'(night shifter's) - as we attempt to encourage the preservation and awareness of our country's great past in our work community.

Viva Señor Miguel! Viva Señor Pepe!


  1. "I’m not certain if I said it right in Spanish..."

    Hombre, el título de tu artículo debe ser "MIS GRANDES AMIGOS" o "MIS AMIGOS MAGNÍFICOS".

    ¡Un abrazo!

  2. I'm not changing the title! let this be a post that would display to the world how poor my Spanish is... hehehe.

    Welcome back from the blogging world my friend.

    Link up!
